Do not regret! Do it now!

One of my dear passion in life is to live it to the fullest, in fact God gave us all things to enjoy, during this month as we take on family issues I have taken thought of something’s that I would love to say I did so that I don’t regret in my old days, and some of these things what a joy if you do them with your family.

The things am about to share with you some I have not yet achieved but they are in my plans, some may click with you or not, don’t feel under any pressure to take it in, I suppose you can create your list and start ticking off as you do it some of these things you had better make it part of your life or else forget the comfort.

So when you grow old and grey what are some of the things you will regret?  They are many but I have chosen 15 to share with you;

1.       Not spending quality time with your family, immediate or even extended: Well the first one is crazy hard on me, yes because I tend to be immersed in my pursuit of purpose and destiny, well I am learning now that after it all, everything goes back to the ‘Box’ –life is like the game of monopoly, take time and invest in the most important.
No one looks back from their deathbed and wishes they spent more time at the office, but they do wish they spent more time with family, friends, and hobbies.” #Family Right

2.       NOT SPENDING TIME TO KNOW GODS WILL AND PURPOSE FOR YOURLIFE.  It is meaningless to finish a race you were not signed up for, even if you win it, you will not get the price, so do your best to find out why on earth you are here and spend time with the master who gives you that purpose. Don't act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do. Ephesians 5:17

3.      NOT knowing when to say enough is enough.  I will give you an example, WALKING OUT OF A BAD RELATIONSHIP: No one who ever gets out of a bad relationship looks back without wishing they made the move sooner. Yes, and beyond that, staying away from deals that promise you heaven when you just feel it’s not it.

4.      NOT saying the right words at the right time: I find it hard sometimes to say a kind word like a complement, a thank you, to send a comforting mail or to recommend someone, I guess that’s just the fallen nature, but I do not want to ever regret, when someone is long gone why I did not tell them how much they meant to me while they were still alive.  These memories sure live with us, I have a classic example of a teacher I hated so much and she died before I forgave her, now looking back yes I forgave her but I still feel I missed an opportunity to really know what was positive with her, and she is the one who led me to Christ, how sad.                              
The other crucial one is just not saying yes to the person you love so much when they asked you out….
5.      Being so scared to do things or adventure.  Recently I did a roller coaster ride, not one but 3, yes very scary, I had been looking forward to this with great fear, but after I did, I said I won’t do it again but I just found myself climbing the next.  Now am telling myself I have to do the tallest and longest and participate in the Ninja warrior in Japan. Looking back you’ll think, what was I so afraid of?

6.      Procrastinating the need to physically stay fit.  When I think of a 70 year old woman doing the world marathons for a record over 50 times, I think to myself if only some of the folks around me who are now 50-60 and are already on wheels could have made physical exercises their priority, they would still be around giving us wisdom. One of my close friends told me what you eat now will manifest 20 years down the line. When you hit 40, 50, 60, and beyond, you’ll dream of what you could have done.

7.      Letting yourself be defined by people’s opinion of yourself and the past record of others. I keep reminding myself that I need not ever be boxed to the worlds opinion of me, I need to know who I am and what I am wired for, and accept feedback from the people who matter and not take in what the entire world thinks of me. I pity pop idols many times because they end up like the world, but forget who they really are.

8.      Not traveling when you had the chance. Traveling becomes infinitely harder the older you get, especially if you have a family and need to pay the way for three-plus people instead of just yourself. When you travel you rest naturally and also get to appreciate other cultures. Travelling allows you to see the grandeur of Gods work. Plan out your next travel now…!

9.      Not quitting a terrible job.  In my career as a pastor and counselor, I hear a lot of this, “what do I do pastor, I feel am in the wrong place” well you know my next answer, candid leave the place. But what follows is how do I pay my bills etc. true as it may be, my question is will you continue in hell because it provides shelter, when heaven was next door.

10.   Not realizing how beautiful you were.  I spent the better part of my life taking in the notion that being light skinned was synonymous to handsome and good-looking until the day I said I am fearfully and wonderfully made and whenever a boy would call me black it really made me proud of myself and not bitter.  With or without make up YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. You are loved regardless of things you’ve said and done!

11.    Not listening to your parents’ advice.  You don’t want to hear it when you’re young, but the infuriating truth is that most of what your parents say about life is true.

12.    Supporting others’ dreams over your own.  Supporting others is a beautiful thing, but not when it means you never get to shine.

13.   Not making a different in others especially the less fortunate.  At the end of it all if you never made a difference in the less fortunate you will regret.

14.   Getting caught up in needless drama.  Who needs it?

15.   Worrying too much.  As Tom Petty sang, “Most things I worry about never happen anyway.”


You can make this a wish list, you can start praying about these things and you can do yourself a favor to start doing some.


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