WHERE IS GOD, When He is Lost?
You probably have heard of this story! Two little boys were best friends at church, but they both had a reputation for getting into trouble. One Sunday, one of the boys was home sick, but the other boy, not wanting to let his friend down, was twice as bad as normal. As he was running through the sanctuary after church, the pastor grabbed him and angrily said, “Where's God?” The little boy was frightened and didn't know what to say. The pastor continued, “I want you to go home and think about it and I don't want you to come back until you can tell me where God is.” The boy went home and called his sick friend on the phone. “Guess what,” he said, “They’ve lost God, and they’re trying to blame that one on us, too.”
1 Samuel 6:1-3
1 Samuel 6:1-3
1 Sam. 6 & 7
Now the ark of the LORD had been in the country of the Philistines seven months. 2 And the Philistines called for the priests and the diviners, saying, “What shall we do with the ark of the LORD? Tell us how we shall send it to its place.”
The Joke sometimes sounds right: as we will see, the Israelites Lost Him; the Philistines couldn’t find him a decent and satisfactory place for him to dwell in… could this be our dilemma?
The Distinguishing marks of God's People.
Everyday people come to the knowledge of God and some depart from it, seeking greater experiences. Even within the Christian who would be called generals we daily hear of incidences of people seeking experiences with other gods and philosophies. As we give a closer look at what really makes up a Christian, we will find that it is the unmistakable knowledge of God, a belief in Him and finding one self and serving Him. The knowledge of God is what defines who we are; our service does not quite make the top of the list. Being able to find out the following will be vital in determining where God is when He is lost.
- My God
- My Faith…
Paul in His writings alluded to the matter of Faith. Now faith is not some head knowledge but a life sold out to God, in this matter, abandoned to God. Paul said, “I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day.” It is not enough when you are grappling with the questions of where is God and whether he is lost to just know God, you need to have faith in Him, when He seems lost.
- My Unique gifting in the Kingdom of God
When God is lost, keep serving, now that requires that you know what he called you to do… If you are a banker and your seasons have turned and you don’t sense Gods presence anymore, Keep banking like God was with you, He will surely uphold your labor and remember you!
In all that we have said up here, we need to give God His rightful place; this is not about having a week of “revival” but a dwelling place among His people… God is seeking a Dwelling place in us not a temporary abode. God is not a squatter, His presence can be with us all our lives, let's not be like the philistines who in a way knew Him but did not know what to do with Him, or the Israelites who knew Him, but lost Him… We Know Him, we need to give Him His rightful place and serve Him with all our hearts.
- When we gather and there is no unction, we should ask ourselves, where is the Lord
- When my faith does not influence my decisions, and vocation, where is God?
- When God is blessing my enemy and I don’t care about that?
- When I am conned out of my seeking experiences, where is God?
- When I no longer pray, and everything is fine with me, where is God?
- When I go through pain and hurt, where is God
Where is God, is a question I am learning to ask every day, because I need Him every hour every minute of the day!
I have just goggled where is God? and i was amazed at how many people are asking that same question, I have chosen to look at the subject from a different point of view, I know much has been written apologetically but thanks for reading this one!