

It goes without say that when you plant a church you must have done so out of a deep desire to honor God and a strong Vision for the kingdom of God. Even so, I have still met a few church planters who jumped into this troubled waters hoping to simple make a profit.   Apostle Paul was clear about such church planters, and we will meet many like that. As a church planter what you never realize is that you are probably the only one at that particular time who is the constant. Off course, God never changes. Yet you are called to stick through the ups and downs of reaching and achieving your vision- that God vision of redemption, that amazing vision of changed communities by the power and Love of God. You are never alone at the end of the day because heaven backs you up, yet one big troubling challenge that you will have to deal with is; # forming and championing a unified congregational culture (sort of Organizational Culture but used loosely) For the record, congregationa...


To survive in leadership, we need a healthy understanding of the dual nature of human beings.”  That is “the old self” and the new man. The understanding that men who praise are also prone to times of criticism. Being at the place of leadership, demands protecting your heart from times that you will face harsh critics and sometimes, the pain of false accusation. So how do you deal with Harsh Critics ? Settle on your deepest convictions about your mission: Keep the main thing the main thing. Yes settle in your heart the convictions of Gods call n your life. Having found your call and living your purpose you will wade off times of deep discouragement when you know you are doing what God called you to do. Ignore most of it . Billy Graham in his words said, “I abstain from reading reports of attacks upon myself, wishing not to be provoked by that to which I cannot properly offer an answer.” It is very important that you know what fights to fight and what to ignore...

Do not regret! Do it now!

One of my dear passion in life is to live it to the fullest, in fact God gave us all things to enjoy, during this month as we take on family issues I have taken thought of something’s that I would love to say I did so that I don’t regret in my old days, and some of these things what a joy if you do them with your family. The things am about to share with you some I have not yet achieved but they are in my plans, some may click with you or not, don’t feel under any pressure to take it in, I suppose you can create your list and start ticking off as you do it some of these things you had better make it part of your life or else forget the comfort. So when you grow old and grey what are some of the things you will regret?  They are many but I have chosen 15 to share with you; 1.        Not spending quality time with your family, immediate or even extended: Well the first one is crazy hard on me, yes because I tend to be immersed in my pursui...

Lead yourself FIRST!

A church planting story : Most church planters believe that they are to be supported to be successful, so they peg any failure on the sending organization: I believe that when we are so vision driven and we know what we are here on earth for we will be accountable; self accountability-  I LIKE TO ENCOURAGE MY SELF THAT: If it works it’s because I was totally committed to it not because I was sent. It is because I want it so bad; I can’t blame it on others. The title of our workshop is suggestive ; the Word first  simply says, do it as priority: if you are to lead others which you are here some of you because you are going to plant a church or have already –then you want to know where to begin, that is how to lead self. In fact, failure in self leadership is the ultimate failure in leadership: it’s like a blindfolded man driving a bus on Mombasa road with men seated reading their newspapers;  Let’s ask ourselves truly what it means to lead your’s-self first : ...

People Of Hope

What’s the biblical understanding of Hope? Definition: A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen… dictionary definition What is hope? Is it a wishy washy maybe or a kind of unsure optimism? The modern idea of hope is “to wish for, to expect, but without certainty of the fulfillment; to desire very much, but with no real assurance of getting your desire.” In Scripture, according to the Hebrew and Greek words translated by the word “hope” and according to the biblical usage, hope is an indication of certainty. “Hope” in Scripture means “a strong and confident expectation.” Though archaic today in modern terms, hope is akin to trust and a confident expectation. But this is the Hope that comes from Christ: Shortly before his death, Gandhi wrote, "All about me is darkness; I am praying for light." Contrast this with evangelist D. L. Moody's last recorded words: "This is my triumph; this is my coronation day! It is glorious!” Take Paul and...


I always had this passion to plant churches, Yes to plant a thousand churches in Africa and beyond, now that vision is coming to a reality, and now i feel my vision was so small. Why? because it has been accomplished by people still alive today, that means its not big enough to attract the hand of God. Well now I have to dream BIG, i desire to mentor pastors and presidents/ leaders also and that is also underway. My view of why church planting is important is because its a sure way to effect discipleship for longevity. I see church planting as Gods way of pushing the the kingdom of darkness away from and dislodging it of its influence. I see church planting as a way to nurture gifting and to give as many Christians and opportunity to be fruitful (Eph 4:11). My desire is to see each pastor supported and equipped to live a life of integrity and to be responsible for a church that is growing. This is a snippet of my vision, now I am moving to its realization in Nairobi Chapel , and th...

We are Born "HOMOZ AND LESBIANS"....

Hi, Welcome again to another time to reason and make it straight. Are we born Homoz, Lesbians, Thieves, Liars, Gossips etc and the list goes on? Ah My answer is yes! I am certain that you have heard of Homosexual people saying this is how they were born, I find truth in their statement in this way, first, all of us are born sinners, that is by nature we sin naturally, we SIN,,, we engage in homosexuality, we engage in lies, in stealing naturally, because we are depraved and fallen. Turning on to the Bible I see Isaiah say, two things, that without choice... he was born in sin and lived among people who sinned, that is By nature he is a sinner and by default he lives in a sinful environment... but before you conclude, He has a choice but the choice will only come when God gives him the alternative, I.e the Light, and a chance to be made a new creature. Isaiah 6:5 Psalm 51:5 say more, Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me. Yet you desire...