It goes without say that when you plant a church you must have done so out of a deep desire to honor God and a strong Vision for the kingdom of God. Even so, I have still met a few church planters who jumped into this troubled waters hoping to simple make a profit. Apostle Paul was clear about such church planters, and we will meet many like that. As a church planter what you never realize is that you are probably the only one at that particular time who is the constant. Off course, God never changes. Yet you are called to stick through the ups and downs of reaching and achieving your vision- that God vision of redemption, that amazing vision of changed communities by the power and Love of God. You are never alone at the end of the day because heaven backs you up, yet one big troubling challenge that you will have to deal with is; # forming and championing a unified congregational culture (sort of Organizational Culture but used loosely) For the record, congregationa...