
Showing posts from May, 2011


I have been talking to someone this morning and, I was in the presence of many yesterday, middle aged people, with families who talked of their frustration in the leadership in Kenya and were ready to move out anytime to the west. You may brand this people as lacking faith or opportunists, but wait, before you do that, you should have listened to their sentiments. The word for today, is Sacrifice. You know well that the reason you are where you are is because you have made some great sacrifices. Leading yourself has not been easy, and leading others requires greater sacrifice. What our nation lacks, and what, our friends were right in pointing out is a selfless crop of leaders. We bought into capitalism and swallowed every negatives with it. Think of this: 1. we Raise funds to help people escape the Ocampo trap, but cannot buy our parents a decent home. 2. We use 31 million in shuttle diplomacy, and cannot afford to  build IDP houses, which cost @half a million 3. We use 0.6...


Today we talk to Pastors about RELATIONSHIPS, Every time you think of the work of pastors, what comes to mind is people, surely a pastor is not a pastor if he has no people to pastor. Well it may be said that you are called, but surely you must be called to God, and called out to people. The relationships that exist in a pastors lie are two( at least) the major ones. First, His/her family and second, The church (the people). Family: I have learned that My family is first and I mean first, but not the place of God. My relationship with my spouse and child speaks alot more about my relationship with "my flock." The people I lead pick cues from the people who make up my family, therefore my relationship at Home is the foundation for my relationship with the church. Above all, we know that, You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. ~Desmond Tutu Church: Pastors, Remember the Church or the Flock is not yours its Gods, You are o...

Stepping Out Of your Comfort Zone

The comfort zone is a behavioral state/ Place within which a person operates in an anxiety-neutral condition , using a limited set of behaviors to deliver a steady level of performance, usually without a sense of risk (White 2009). Abraham in Genesis 12, had to step out of the comfort of Haran to be able to reach his destiny in Canaan Land. Paul hard to declare that He will press on towards the goal to win the prize, Naaman had to forget the comfort of the rivers back home, Havana, and Pharphar and jump into the muddy Jordan in order to experience healing from leprosy. Highly successful persons may routinely step outside their comfort zones, to accomplish what they wish. A comfort zone is a type of mental conditioning that causes a person to create and operate mental boundaries . Such boundaries create an unfounded sense of security. To step outside a person's comfort zone, they must experiment with new and different behaviors , and then experience the new and differe...

It Takes Just One

Ephesians 4:17-32  In 1520, one person stepped off a Spanish ship in Mexico and caused the deaths of thousands of people. The man was a soldier under the leadership of Pánfilo de Narváez, and he had smallpox. The soldier didn't know it, but wherever he went he exposed the citizens to a new disease. As a result of the ensuing smallpox epidemic, many thousands of Mexican citizens died. One man. That's all it took. His contact with the unsuspecting Mexican people led to a horrible, painful scourge. The devastating effects of that disease traveled from one person to another, infecting a large segment of the population. The spread of any deadly disease is similar to the spread of a spiritual sickness that sometimes strikes churches—the disease of gossip and unedifying words (Ephesians 4:29, 30, 31, 32). It's not unusual for a happy and well-adjusted congregation of people to be infected after just one person introduces gossip. Soon dissension is running rampant among peopl...